Nursery care for 0 – 2 year olds
The Caterpillar room is for children aged 0-24 months and is registered for 15 children. Our excellent team of qualified staff will reassure you that you have made the right decision in joining First Steps from the moment you meet them. They will spend time getting to know you and your baby and will ensure that they are able to meet all your needs and follow your routines that you have put in place at home.
We feel it is very important to get to know our parents and learn as much as we can about a child prior to them starting. We have a settling in process to meet the needs of every child and family.
Each day you will receive feedback on your child’s day from the key person who has the main responsibility for your baby or toddler. We use digital app called ‘Famly’ to keep you in touch with your child’s day and progress at First Steps.. This is an excellent way of sharing information about your child’s day with us and for you to note down anything which will help us care for your child during the day. We welcome parents to message through the app to your child’s room staff any time. As parents ourselves, we know how much you miss your child whilst at work. A reassuring message/photo can be of great comfort when you are wondering how they are getting along. We also would not hesitate to contact you at any time if we had even the slightest concern about your child. Your child’s wellbeing is our highest priority.
Please read our page on the Early Years Foundation Stage to give you a fuller understanding of your child’s development opportunities and how we record their progress.